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The mandated reporter training is met by completing the 2-hour online training provided by the Office of Child Abuse Prevention in the State Department of Social Services at this link:

All Registered Passion So Cal Volunteer positions and Employees including staff must comply with AB506. In addition, other volunteers who are 18 years of age or older and who have direct contact with, or supervision of, children for more than 16 hours a month or 32 hours per year.

Please select click on the website above, select "GENERAL VOLUNTEERS," create an account, take the training, then upload the certificate below. 

Upload "Mandated Reporter" Training Certificate HERE:

• Fill out the Request for Live Scan Service HERE
• Find the Live Scan site nearest you
• Bring the complete Request for Live Scan Service form to a service provider. It is critical that you use your Council’s Live Scan form, as it includes your Council’s routing information for your background check.
• Each individual must pay a fingerprint rolling fee ($20 – $40) and FBI background check fee ($17) to the Live Scan service provider.

  1. Required Mandated Reporting Training

2. Live Scan Background Check

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